1.With a few exceptions, public services did not come to a standstill. Trains, planes and ports mostly functioned.
2.If you come to a standstill, look over what you have done to see if you have left anything out.
3.The long process of history has created numerous opponents, there is no opponent, the whole community will come to a standstill.
4.The German war machine had lumbered falteringly over the frontier and come to a standstill near Linz.
5.Young children come to a standstill, looking at my class - a mixture of black, brown and so on - in wonder and amazement.
6.Since the introduction of policies to limit speculation in mid-April, the market has almost come to a standstill.
7.Talks have come to a standstill just days before broad tax increases and steep spending cuts are schedule to take effect.
8.Any time you don't have a bigger picture in mind, the day-to-day gets to you, and your career can come to a standstill.
9.That means downstream vehicles immediately become aware that the traffic ahead has come to a standstill.
10.Even in relative terms, the east's catching-up process has nearly come to a standstill since the mid-1990s.